Restate runner for JUnit 5. Example:
private final static RestateRunner restateRunner = RestateRunnerBuilder.create()
.withService(new MyService())
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The runner will deploy the services locally, execute Restate as container using testcontainers, and register the services.
This extension is scoped per test class, meaning that the restate runner will be shared among test methods.
Use the annotations RestateClient, RestateURL and RestateAdminClient to interact with the deployed runtime:
void testGreet({@}RestateGrpcChannel ManagedChannel channel) {
CounterGrpc.CounterBlockingStub client = CounterGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel);
// Use client
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open fun resolveParameter(parameterContext: ParameterContext, extensionContext: ExtensionContext): Any
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open fun supportsParameter(parameterContext: ParameterContext, extensionContext: ExtensionContext): Boolean