Package dev.restate.sdk
Interface WorkflowContext
- All Superinterfaces:
This interface can be used only within workflow handlers of workflow. It extends
adding access to the workflow instance key-value state storage and to the DurablePromise
NOTE: This interface MUST NOT be accessed concurrently since it can lead to different orderings of user actions, corrupting the execution of the invocation.
- See Also:
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface dev.restate.sdk.Context
awakeable, awakeableHandle, call, call, random, request, run, run, run, run, send, send, send, send, sleep, timer
Methods inherited from interface dev.restate.sdk.ObjectContext
clear, clearAll, set
Methods inherited from interface dev.restate.sdk.SharedObjectContext
get, key, stateKeys
Methods inherited from interface dev.restate.sdk.SharedWorkflowContext
promise, promiseHandle